High Intensity Daily Personal Activities

Complex Bowel Care

This NDIS specialised care is under the ‘disability-health related health supports’ category, designed for people at high risk of severe constipation or faecal incontinence, needing specialised support to help them manage it.

Wound and Complex Wound Management

Diligent Care Services team of registered nurses use best practice, up-to-date techniques to assess and treat wounds. Wounds are assess and treated as well as pressure sores resulting from laying, sitting or from the frequent use of mobility equipment.

Tracheostomy Management

Based on your specific needs you can access a range of services including respiratory and ventilation supports relevant to tracheostomy care and maintenance. This means eligible for the NDIS participant, you can receive funding for the management of your tracheostomy care at home,

Urinary Catheter Management

A urinary catheter is a flexible and hollow tube that is inserted into the bladder to drain urine into an external collection bag. Urinary catheters are required by individuals who are unable to pass urine on their own or people who can do it on their own but are immobile.

Sub-cutaneous Injections

Subcutaneous injections are procedures for administering medication into the fatty tissue layer between the skin and the muscle (subcutaneous tissue). This allows the medication to be absorbed more slowly than if inserted into a vein because subcutaneous tissue has a smaller blood supply.

Enteral Feeding and Management

NDIS funds a range of disability health supports associated with enteral feeding and tube management.

Ventilator Management

Ventilation supports are machine-based and other supports used to help a person breathe. These may be required constantly or time to time.

Severe Dysphagia Management

NDIS provides funding assistance to participants who require support to consume food and liquid; and those who experience severe dysphagia and require support to consume food or liquid.

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